By: B. J. Hathaway, G.S.E.B., M.C.I.
At some point almost every golfer reaches a stage where scores just don't seem to improve. Whether it's hitting balls or the occasional lesson, nothing helps and you find yourself stuck in a rut, frustrated and searching.
There may be several reasons, but let's look together and see if we can find some answers. Instead of looking for some magic swing key, let's analyze the big picture. When we really look at it, we will discover that there are four basic reasons why your game is stuck:
Swing mechanics, mental frame, physical capability, and equipment
1. Swing Mechanics:
Let's be honest, this is the area most of us get stuck at for one reason or another. Golf is a game of technical skill and coordination, yet most of you have never had a lesson. I don't know anyone would would buy a plane and jump in the cockpit and expect to fly and land successfully but- most people take that approach to golf. So having an understanding of the proper technique is critical, and then we have to be capable of performing. Make the investment in golf lessons from a qualified instructor and you will save yourself years of frustration on the golf course.
2. Mental Frame:
The golf course and competition bring on a new test every time you tee it up. Learning to control emotions and nerves are critical and that's why the Tour pro's study the mental aspects of the game and use sport psychologists. Most of us don't have Dr. Bob Rotella on speed-dial but that doesn't mean we don't have access to improvement in this area. I see a great deal of negative thinking on the golf course and yet we don't recognize how this impacts our game! If you expect to hit the ball out of bounds, guess what- you just made it very likely that your ball will go exactly there! Negative emotions like anxiety and anger can ruin even a technically sound swing, so make every effort to replace those thoughts with something positive.
I recommend you check out the Clear Key concept by Dr. Carey Mumford, or use the Internet or library to study this very key area of your game.
3. Physical Capability:
This is another key issue. Many of you try to emulate "positions" that you see on TV, but lack the strength or flexibility to make those positions profitable. If you can't make a John Daly back swing and yet you insist on trying, guess what, something is going to brake down in your technique and what have you gained? The answer is nothing! Flexibility, stamina and body control are key areas that most anyone can work on and improve. Do you get tired after 13 holes? Well guess what, your swing is going to break down because you're out of shape! As Tiger and the younger generation have proven, the physical side of the game is a key ingredient
Use a workout and flexibility program that is golf-specific and you can take strokes off your game without beating balls!
4. Equipment:
Here is the one area we like to spend money on! If every shoe store only sold a size 11, we would have a lot of folks with sore feet but we have no problem walking into a golf shop and buying a standard set of clubs and accepting the results. We assume that new $500 driver was made just for us. Well guess what- every club in your bag from putter to driver needs to have the correct lie angle, swing weight, grip size and shaft that suits your particular swing characteristics! I know what you are thinking: I'm not a Tour pro so whatever clubs I have are just fine. Well you are just plain wrong- the wrong shaft in the right head will never give you a consistent ball flight no matter how good your swing is! See a professional club fitter who has a launch monitor and let them fit your clubs to you because that big hook may just be your clubs and not you!!
Now you have the four keys to can help you lower your scores. For some of you the problem may be in all four areas but now you can develop a plan of attack. Golf is a wonderful game and there is no other sport like it, so do a little self-assessment and improve your technique, mental game, body and equipment and watch your scores improve!
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