by: B. J. Hathaway
Being a golfer you have probably at some point reached a point where you decided that this is all just too hard to figure out on your own. You're tired of reading the articles, tips and video blogs that just seem to be confusing and contradictory or don't seem to apply to your game.....and then you took that next step and...
actually took a lesson!!or even better you took a series, but the million dollar question is: did you effectively apply that information?
Let's face it, we live in a world where we want it all now but golf does not work that way!!!
Building your success as a golfer requires teamwork between player and coach. If you are one of those players who likes to move from one instructor to another because you are trying to find the most qualified teacher is one thing....but if you are jumping from coach to coach to find some secret you may be hurting your own game. Why? Because there are no secrets!
What you want to find, and yes it can be a real search, is a coach who actually cares about your success. One who has the knowledge, training and communication skills to give you the best information possible. Think about it...that's what you're really paying for- information! A swing coach can't actually move the club for you, but he or she can explain and demonstrate the right information so that you learn to make the necessary adjustments that will put you on the right road to better golf.
Once you have this information then you have to apply it...and practice it! You see golf is not just a test of your ability to hit a little white ball, it's a test of your mental fortitude to accept new information and build sound mechanical movement that can be repeated.
Ok, so what does it really take to get better at this game?!
1. Find the most qualified teacher in your area.
2. Open your mind and accept the information given to you.
3. Apply it, practice it and own it!
Hitting a golf ball well does not require maximum effort, it does require maximum effectiveness: being willing to learn this changes your game forever!