by: B. J. Hathaway
One of the top five requests that I hear from golfers is the desire to be more consistent. This is usually followed up by me with the question, "more consistent at what exactly"? Sometimes the answers are clear but sometimes the response is a vague:
"Well I don't know, just more consistent!"
To be consistent means to be free from variation. If I asked you to hit 5 wedges shots would I see five different ball positions, grip variations, alignments, postures, etc.? For some of you the answer is yes!
One of the quickest ways to find more consistency is to create a repeatable set-up procedure with grip, ball position, posture and alignment.
Remember, to be consistent you have to do the same thing every time!
I would like to challenge you as a golfer to develop clear ideas of what needs improvement in
your golf game, then get with your teaching pro and develop a definite game plan for bringing consistency to your game.
I need to get a proper setup to get consistent with. Haha